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Open Space Committee Minutes 02/08/2008
Town of Old Lyme Open Space Committee Meeting
Christ the King Church

Minutes: February 8, 2008

Chairman Diana Atwood Johnson opened the meeting at 08:35 with OSC members Peter Cable, George James, Connie Kastelowitz, Ted Kiritsis and newly appointed OLCT liaison to OSC, Christina Clayton, in attendance. Also present was Tom Kalal from East Lyme, who was attending to observe the scope of the Old Lyme OSC work and the procedures associated with its activities.

Diana introduced Christina as OLCT liaison to OSC and Tom Kalal as an observer and announced the appointment of a new member to OSC, Robert DePianta. A brief overview of the history and activities of the Old Lyme OSC was given to provide background and context for Mr. Kalal.

Upon motion by Ted and second by George the minutes of the January 4, 2008 meeting were approved.

Property Updates
a) Stone’s Ranch property
Diana introduced a correspondence from Camp Rell regarding State property in Old Lyme that is part of Stone’s Ranch Military Reservation and consisting of 43 acres of land that is surrounded on three sides by privately owned property and bordered on the East by the Post Road. The property is not used by the CT Army National Guard and previous discussions with National Guard officials had explored possible public use of the land, either by returning the unneeded property to the Town or, alternatively, by providing public access to the unused National Guard property. The Camp Rell correspondence was from the new officer responsible for environmental concerns at the National Guard facilities and was intended to identify the status of previous discussion and establish new communications. George, who had undertaken the previous discussions on the Stone’s Ranch property will talk with Capt. Thomas Bordner (CT Army National Guard), his previous contact, about renewing discussions on public use of the Stone’s Ranch property in question.
b) Fee in lieu of open space payments
Diana reported on two outstanding fee in lieu of open space accounts. She reported that the specified amount of $26k on the Sessa development had been received in December 2007, but that $14.9k owed on the SJE development was still outstanding.
c) Lord’s Woods development
Diana reported that there are several outstanding liens on the Lord’s Woods development project and that there has been no further response on the agreed amount of $75k to be paid within 2 years to the OSC for remediation of cutting on Lord’s Woods open space
d) Tooker property
Diana reported hearing form Marty Smith that plans for development of the assemblage of properties including the Tooker property were still being refined and had not been finalized and she noted that, in the discussion, there had been no mention of revision to PRCD regulations as described in the presentation to OSC in January 2008. Ted noted that there had been no proposed revision to PRCD regulations submitted by Smith to the Zoning Commission.
e) Kus property
Diana described a meeting she had with Peggy Kus. In short, from Diana’s report, Ms. Kus is not interested in partnering in development of her land but would be interested in selling her land.  She indicated that nothing had been agreed to with regard to the Tooker development. George noted that the Kus property of approximately 73 acres, which has 3 ponds on it, is adjacent to Rye Field development and the Lay property owned by OLCT and, for all these reasons, is a prime property for consideration for purchase as open space.

a) Marsh property
Diana has attempted but not yet been able to contact Edward and Linda Marsh with regard to development of a seven-parcel subdivision on 53 acres of their property on Mile Creek Road.
b) Diebolt property
Diebolt Development Co. has submitted a reapplication including an updated open space plan to the Zoning Commission for a zoning change to permit multifamily (duplex) housing on their Hatchett’s Hill Road property. In following discussion, on a suggestion by Ted, it was agreed that Diana would compose a letter to Tom Risom, OL Zoning Commission Chairman, requesting that, as part of the Zoning Commission review process, open space plans for developments be reviewed by OSC.

Conservation Easements
Diana reported that she has completed research on and review of conservation easements granted to the Town. Files on the approximately 30 easements with maps are on file at Town Hall. Because of this development Diana indicated that it would be appropriate to begin periodic surveys of the property with conservation easements as specified under the terms of the easements. As a result Diana will draft a letter to property owners with conservation easements on their land indicating that they will be contacted by the OSC to review with them the intent of conservation easements, schedule a survey of the easement property and offer help in realizing the objectives of the easements. Diana emphasized that the letter would be non-adversarial in tone.

In response to a discussion concerning the appropriate frequency of these periodic inspections of conservation easement properties, the OSC consensus was a period of about 5 years as suggested by Christina. George noted that OSC should be well prepared to address an owner’s concerns before they undertake an inspection. Tom Kalal suggested that a definition of conservation easement should be included in the letter to conservation easement property owners, since it is likely that at least some may not be clear on the terms of a conservation easement. Diana indicated that she will email OSC members a list of conservation easement properties for discussion at the next OSC meeting.

In further discussion it was noted that Diana has a reasonably complete list of homeowners associations with open space. OSC has no jurisdiction regarding these properties, but it is of interest to OSC because it figures in the determination and status of Town property devoted to open space.

Old Business
a) I-95 expansion
For the benefit of Tom Kalal, Ted reviewed the status of his investigation of the I-95 expansion plan. In response to an action item from the previous meeting, Diana had spoken with Tim Griswold about forming a committee, with representation from Town organizations directly affected by the I-95 project, to address the concerns raised by this project. Mr. Griswold felt that the I-95 project was too far off to address now, but indicated that he had the full ConnDOT plan, which he could provide to OSC for background information. It was agreed that Ted would obtain this plan from the First Selectman.
b) Open-space trail maps
Peter reported that he had tried to contact Laurie Giannotti at the CT DEP Greenways Assistance Center about the 2008 Greenways Small Grants Program, which is a potential source of funding for development and production of OL open space trail maps. Diana provided Peter with an other potential funding source, an announcement of the DEP Long Island Sound License Plate Program RFP for activities that improve public access and awareness of LIS protection and preservation.
c) Eagle Scout project
Diana reported on an email exchange she had with Evan Amway, Eagle Scout candidate, about the planned Whippoorwill Road trail-clearing project. Mr. Amway indicated that the delay on trail work was the result of a hiatus in his getting approval from Scout authorities for the project. He is still planning to do the project and anticipates that work will begin in late March.
d) Town open space workday
Consideration deferred until March.
e) Champlain South perimeter walk
A date for the planned walk will be chosen at the March meeting.
f) PRCD: Zoning Commission
George recommended that Marty Smith be contacted and reminded of his agreeing to provide OSC with a copy of a planned revision to PRCD regulations that would accommodate his planned use of multifamily housing in the Tooker property development.

Property Review
The list of potential properties for acquisition as open space was reviewed and their status updated.

At 11:11 on a motion by Peter, second by Ted, it was voted to go into executive session to discuss a matter involving legal action by OSC. At 11:20, the Committee left executive session.

On a motion by Ted, second by Connie, it was voted to authorize the Chairman to communicate with the Selectman and Town Attorney that OSC supports their action with respect to Black Hall Woods.

At 11:25 on a motion by Ted, second by Connie, it was voted to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Peter Cable